We’re willing to bet that your wedding entrance wasn’t quite as awesome as this guy’s. Reddit user kozziekoz eschewed the old “Stand at the front and wait for his bride” nonsense. Why do the ladies always have to get the good entrances? Instead he came literally soaring in from 4,500’ above the ceremony. Personally this is the only parachuting we get down with, but to each his own. Watch his awesome entrance here.

Photo/Video: Catherine Gross

We wanted to know a little more about how things went and what will happen now. Here’s what he said:

Was your fiancé nervous about this entrance?

“She was super nervous she told me if I’m uncomfortable at all, don’t do it! Plus water was danger close.”

Were you?

“Hell yeeah I was nervous, this was my big day and I really didn’t not wanna do something really dumb (I’ve hurt myself before).”

How hard is it to nail a landing that small from so high up?

“It’s a tight landing area, but I was practicing regularly at my local dz.”

If you have a baby, will you skydive into the delivery room?

“My god if the hospital will let me jump the heli pad I’m a go.”

We’re pretty sure that’s industry standard for hospitals, so we can’t wait to see that video. Congratulations on your shiny new marriage, kozziekoz!

What awesome wedding shenanigans did you get into? Send your story to patrick@lifeofdad.com to possibly be featured.